First and Third Party Script Info

First And Third Party Script Info

List all scripts using PerformanceResourceTiming API and separating them by first and third party

More Info (opens in a new tab)

Info On CORS (opens in a new tab)


// ex: katespade.com - list firsty party subdomains in HOSTS array
const HOSTS = ["assets.katespade.com"];
function getScriptInfo() {
  const resourceListEntries = performance.getEntriesByType("resource");
  // set for first party scripts
  const first = [];
  // set for third party scripts
  const third = [];
  resourceListEntries.forEach((resource) => {
    // check for initiator type
    const value = "initiatorType" in resource;
    if (value) {
      if (resource.initiatorType === "script") {
        const { host } = new URL(resource.name);
        // check if resource url host matches location.host = first party script
        if (host === location.host || HOSTS.includes(host)) {
          const json = resource.toJSON();
          first.push({ ...json, type: "First Party" });
        } else {
          // add to third party script
          const json = resource.toJSON();
          third.push({ ...json, type: "Third Party" });
  const scripts = {
    firstParty: [{ name: "no data" }],
    thirdParty: [{ name: "no data" }],
  if (first.length) {
    scripts.firstParty = first;
  if (third.length) {
    scripts.thirdParty = third;
  return scripts;
const { firstParty, thirdParty } = getScriptInfo();
console.groupCollapsed("FIRST PARTY SCRIPTS");
console.groupCollapsed("THIRD PARTY SCRIPTS");