Find Images with Lazy and Fetchpriority

Find Images With Loading Lazy and Fetchpriority

List all images that have loading="lazy" and fetchpriority=high.

In reality you probably wouldn't really want loading=lazy and fetchpriority=high at the same time. That would mean don't load it initially, but when you start to load it, load it with high priority. Which is kind of contradictory! - Barry Pollard (opens in a new tab)


This snippet code it's based in the script (opens in a new tab) shared by Harry Roberts (opens in a new tab).


const MESSAGES = {
  good: `The current rendered code, don't have elements with loading="lazy" fetchpriority="high"`,
  bad: "In reality you probably wouldnt really want `loading=lazy` and `fetchpriority=high` at the same time. That would mean don't load it initially, but when you start to load it, load it with high priority. Which is kind of contradictory!",
const elementsLazyFetchpriority = document.querySelectorAll(
const numLazyFetchpriority = elementsLazyFetchpriority.length;
const hasLazyFetchpriority = numLazyFetchpriority > 0;
if (hasLazyFetchpriority) {
    `%c The page has ${numLazyFetchpriority} image(s) with loading="lazy" fetchpriority="high"`,
    "background: #222; color: lightcoral; padding: 0.5ch; font-size: 1.28em",
  elementsLazyFetchpriority.forEach((el) => console.log(el));
    `%c ${MESSAGES.bad}`,
    "background: #222; color: lightcoral; padding: 0.5ch; margin-top: 1em",
} else {
    `%c ${MESSAGES.good}`,
    "background: #222; color: lightgreen; padding: 0.5ch",