Largest Contentful Paint, Quick BPP (image entropy) check
Context: Largest Contentful Paint change in Chrome 112 to ignore low-entropy images (opens in a new tab)
This snippet is based on and with the permission of Stoyan Stefanov (opens in a new tab), read his post here (opens in a new tab).
With the script you can get a list of the BPP of all(1) images loaded on the site.
(1) the images with source "data:image" and third-party images are ignored.
(img) => img.currentSrc != "" && !img.currentSrc.includes("data:image"),
.map((img) => [
(performance.getEntriesByName(img.currentSrc)[0]?.encodedBodySize * 8) /
(img.width * img.height),
.filter((img) => img[1] !== 0),